
By the way, ChatGPT Team is here

January 12, 2024

ChatGPT Team is the latest addition to the ChatGPT family. This version is tailored for smaller businesses or departments. In addition to basic user management, it offers several advantages justifying its higher cost.

In the shadow of the GPT Store, OpenAI has released another version of ChatGPT - ChatGPT Team. It's designed for a smaller number of users, providing basic user management features and additional benefits compared to the free and Pro versions.

Team primarily targets smaller businesses and groups within companies looking to experiment with generative AI without taking significant risks.

What's better

Compared to ChatGPT Pro, Team offers the following:

  • User Management: A Team Space allows for the management of any number of users
  • Privacy: Inputs into the language model and its outputs are not used for training the language model
  • Team-Specific GPTs: GPTs can be made available for a Team Space
  • More Requests: 100 messages every three hours instead of 40

User management and privacy

The user management interface is based on ChatGPT Enterprise, with some tabs and functions locked. It can be frustrating to see features that exist but are inaccessible. The administration area allows adding and removing members and adjusting their roles. ChatGPT Team supports three roles - Member, Admin, Owner. Owners and Admins have access to the administration area to manage members and determine if third-party GPTs can be used. Apart from the ability to terminate teams, no additional functionality is provided.

For those concerned with privacy, ChatGPT Team brings good news as it addresses the issue of training language models at the Team Space level. Data entered into ChatGPT Team and the information returned by the language model is not used to train the language model. However, users do not have to sacrifice the chat history. This feature has motivated many users to allow training, even if it violates company policies.

Team-specific GPTs

The unique GPTs are the highlight of ChatGPT Team. It allows the development and distribution of company-specific GPTs. Until now, this was only possible via a link or by making the GPT publicly accessible, risking the exposure of data and prompts to others. It also allows for internal testing and refinement of GPTs before offering them in the GPT Store.

No upgrade

If convinced by the features of ChatGPT Team and implementing it, it's important to note that it's not an upgrade to existing accounts, as suggested. Instead, a Team Space is created in addition to the personal account, to which users can be added. The personal account remains with both the person creating the Team Space and all invited colleagues. This has a few implications:

Existing ChatGPT Pro subscriptions must be canceled separately. The chat history of individual users remains in the personal account. Saved GPTs remain in the personal account. If GPTs have already been developed, they will still be associated with the personal account.

While existing chats can at least be shared and continued, self-developed GPTs remain at the state they were at the time of canceling the Pro account. If the GPTs need further development, they either need to be recreated in the Team Space or the Pro account must remain active. It is hoped that OpenAI will offer true upgrades in the future.

Convenience comes at a price

It costs $30 per month per user, the same as Microsoft Office Copilot, with a minimum purchase quantity of two licenses. Companies will need to carefully consider for whom they acquire a Team license, as compared to other applications, this is a considerable price. For taking initial steps in using generative AI, building expertise, and quickly identifying efficiency and quality gains, ChatGPT Team is a good solution. For longer-term use, it's worth considering PrivateGPT.

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