Process digitalization - portal and app for field marketing
Efficient POS support by the field sales team
With the portal and app, all steps in POS support can be digitally mapped. Quickly create projects, provide the field staff with the necessary information, fuel the app with individual data for each employee on site, collect and evaluate data from POS visits - all steps are interlinked and provide valuable information from the POS in a very short time.
The challenge
There was already an app and a portal, but they did not meet the field service's requirements for good usability or the customers' expectations for the data quality of the results. So how can the recurring processes at the POS be prepared, supported, and evaluated in such a way that even the digital heavyweights among the customers, like Google or Apple, are satisfied? And how is the solution future-proof, so that it remains performant and stable despite constant further development?
The solution
The new portal has a completely revised data model and focuses on efficiency gains in the processes. The data model ensures better performance and is designed so that extensions can be easily implemented without affecting performance. The processes are modularized in a way that makes it easy to create new projects quickly. The associated processes can be easily adapted. Basic data are linked with processes and can optionally be included in new projects.
The app is optimized for the automation of processes. It independently plans the visits of its users and optimizes their routes. On-site, it provides exactly the data needed at the POS. The new interface of the app safely guides its users through the work steps at the POS. Even the uploading of visit data is done automatically, the employees can fully concentrate on their work in the markets. Once this is completed, the market data is evaluated based on KPIs and automatically further processed. If they do not meet the quality standards, an automated correction process starts.
The data is processed in the portal and transferred to a dashboard in real time. Alternatively, predefined reports can be delivered. Specific customer requirements regarding KPIs and evaluations can already be taken into account when creating the projects. The portal and app independently adapt work steps at the POS and the output of the results.
The result
Projects are realized faster, the field service can start visiting the POS earlier. The easy operation of the app reduces the times of stay at the POS, simplifies the training of new employees, frees the support from inquiries, and ensures a higher quality of the delivered data. Customers are informed about the progress during the project in real-time via a dashboard or automatically generated reports.
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